Robert and Patrick have been working hard to bring out the stories behind the velvet revolution. Both Robert and Patrick have been actively involved in independent filmmaking for more than a few years so they know the up's and down's of indy films. For Patrick the challenge was greater on this project due to the fact he doesn't even speak the language and Roberts Czech speaking skills were limited, but both were more than ready for the challenge." It was such a learning process for both of us, at times we felt like we might be a little over our heads but we ended up getting so much help for the gracious Czech people we meet along the way." remarked Patrick. Due to the lack of funds to finnish the documentary both Patrick and Rob have been on the move since returning from Praha. Unfortunately they had to move to different cities, Patrick to Chicago-Robert to San Francisco so the project has at times taken a back seat to their careers. But after getting together this summer they are beginning to see that light at the end of the tunnel .They still have some finishing touches to do and only one more interview to go.

They hope to have it wrapped up early 2002

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